Monday, April 18, 2011

Art Car Progress

Yesterday, Rachel, David, Sasha and I worked on the art car. Things are going much better. Rachel's dad looked at the car and figured out how to make it reverse. Yay! It also seems like we have figured out how to all work together, which is nice. :) And, most importantly, we put something on the car!

Rachel and I are working on paper macheing the front of the car for the map and David and Sasha are working on the brick wall.


I really miss polaroid. I was looking at some old images today and it made me nostalgic. I love what the Impossible Project is trying to do, but its just not the same.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

ID Preview Night

Last night a group of collectors came by to preview the exhibition. Four pieces have already sold!

Come to the opening reception tomorrow from 6-9 at Darke Gallery!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Art Car: Day 1

Yesterday, David, Rachel, Sasha and I started working on our art car. Our first task was to get it into our workspace. We did this with no problem, but in doing so, we found out that the car doesn't reverse. Awesome.

We made a work bulletin board with a calendar and sketches. Please don't steal our amazing ideas. :)

We set up our tarp and started taping off where things will go on the car.

The last thing we did (and the thing I was most excited about) was testing different glues.

It did not go well.